I'll admit I don't own the actual Tivo branded digital video recorder. But through my cable company who shall remain nameless, I do have a DVR and it has become one of the highlights of my evenings. Some of the shows that we tivo:
The Gauntlet Project Jay Top Chef Desperate Housewives Grey's Anatomy 8th and Ocean America's Next Top Model The Real World CSI American Idol Blow Out The Real Housewives of Orange County
So I come home from work, sometime around 5:30 or 6... depending on the traffic situation. My rommie and I have dinner and then proceed to park ourselves in the living room and turn on the DVR (after of course, watching The Simpsons).
Luckily I have the weekends to take a break from Tivo. I usually reserve those for episodes of Newlyweds.
Nonetheless, in only four months, I have become so accustomed to Tivo that I have found myself listening to the radio and wanting to rewind to hear what was said. Does anyone else experience this?
I wonder if maybe one day that will be an option. If they can iPod my BMW, certainly they can Tivo it too.
Brunch at the Willard...just another standard Sunday.
So I receive emails from Daily Candy.. the DC edition. About three weeks ago, they featured the Willard Intercontinental Hotel's Sunday brunch. I forwarded the email to my roommate, who took the initiative to make a reservation for a party of 2 for noon on 5 March. So yesterday morning, we got dressed up, with Coach and kate in hand(s), and headed to the District to partake in what became a 2-hour experience, complete with mimosas, seafood, Belgium waffles, fresh fruit, veggies, barbeque pork, coffee, desserts, and more. Valet parking was included in the tab... which ended up being about two benjamins altogether. Absolutely worth it. Felt a bit like a princess. We continued the day with shopping in Georgetown... bought some fabulous things for our place and I found a bag that I shall begin saving for .. immediately. Feels like spring here... I hope it continues!
(click on photo to enlarge..)
Pictures above 1. Washington Monument with lots of tourists. 2. The lobby entrance of the Willard. 3. View looking toward the room where brunch was served. 4. View looking across Pennsylvania Ave. at the Capitol.
Last night, I found myself slightly lost. Nothing substantially good on tv. Nothing really to do. So I dug into The Tipping Point. One of the books I got for Christmas that I have managed to place next to my bed and not yet open.
Up to page 12 and I dig.
The idea that small acts can be contagious, can cause a dramatic change and all of this happening very quickly. The point at which that change occurs - the tipping point.
Crime dropping significantly in New York - because a small group of people who were in situations that could have been violent and deadly decided to take the higher road and act in a moral way.
Teenagers in New York City wearing Hush Puppies to trendy bars and clubs, being seen by designers like Anna Sui and Calvin Klein who then incorporated the shoes into their runway shows..revitalizing the company who previously sold 30,000 pair a year to over 400,000.
Making small changes in your life can have a huge impact across the globe...whether it's a moral issue or a new fashion trend. Take the idea and exercise it in the future.