Tivo my BMW?
I'll admit I don't own the actual Tivo branded digital video recorder. But through my cable company who shall remain nameless, I do have a DVR and it has become one of the highlights of my evenings. Some of the shows that we tivo:The Gauntlet
Project Jay
Top Chef
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
8th and Ocean
America's Next Top Model
The Real World
American Idol
Blow Out
The Real Housewives of Orange County
So I come home from work, sometime around 5:30 or 6... depending on the traffic situation. My rommie and I have dinner and then proceed to park ourselves in the living room and turn on the DVR (after of course, watching The Simpsons).
Luckily I have the weekends to take a break from Tivo. I usually reserve those for episodes of Newlyweds.
Nonetheless, in only four months, I have become so accustomed to Tivo that I have found myself listening to the radio and wanting to rewind to hear what was said. Does anyone else experience this?
I wonder if maybe one day that will be an option. If they can iPod my BMW, certainly they can Tivo it too.
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