Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Subject: When did Email take over my life?

So I realize the Real World: Austin is not the best show in the world. But for some reason, I feel compelled to watch it.

Call me dedicated.

Tonight's episode found me asking myself, "Oh God, am I like Nehemiah?" He was the ultimate procrastinator. Like.. getting really drunk, being thrown in jail and therefore, failing to complete the editing assignment that lay before him (and his six roommates).

Similar to Nehemiah, I went to jail last night... No wait. I didn't. BUT today was terribly unproductive for me. My computer was down for the count all day long! Outlook would not open to save my life... not until 6:41 p.m.

That's right. All day, no email.

Do you know what my job consists of? Staring at my email and then completing whatever b*tch task I get. So to not have any access to those b*tch tasks, and for people to care less and still want their requests done NOW ... was very painful.

So now I am going to pop too many Advils in hopes that I oversleep tomorrow to make it a truly inefficient and stoopid week. I hate being me today.


At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Days like that make you wonder what people did at work before e-mail. They probably just sat around and made fun of their coworkers like in the movie, Anchorman.

I know when my e-mail crashes then it's a good day to play pinball or bowling on my cell phone. Parma people love to bowl!


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