Friday, May 19, 2006

Notsosecret guilty pleasure

Anyone who grew up when and where I did has heard of Tanya Tucker. What you might not have heard of is her reality tv show that appears on TLC called - Tuckerville. I've yet to figure out if this is an actual place (due to a roadsign shown in the show open that says "Tuckerville" with a population number. Regardless, in this land of Tucker stands a huge mansion, 3 kids, along with dogs, goats, and ponies - big and small. This show has become my not so secret guilty pleasure, as I added it to my Tivo list months ago, and have somehow gotten my roommate hooked to where she'll watch it even when I'm gone.

If you'd like more info on the show before tuning in, visit Or you can just watch it on Saturday starting at 10 p.m. EST. It's truly great. An old-school country girl (or woman) that carries Louis Vuitton bags bigger than most dogs AND rocks the fanny pack at her local Wal-Mart. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The week has ended.... so now it's the weekend...

Heading up to Annapolis this weekend for a maritime festival. So we'll head to Envy Isle - where all the rich folk dock their boats. Eat lots of seafood hopefully and drink some - well, drinks. I'd like to catch a movie this weekend as well but I'm not sure if that's gonna happen. United 93's out but I think that's going to pretty much consume my head for the day(s) after I view it. Read some reviews and seen many documentaries on the subject.... but you can never really be prepared for that.

Maybe I'll just veg out with some SATC or Match Point. Gotta love those cheatin' Brits!

Anyway--probably won't be updating anytime soon. Luckily I don't have my page sponsored by Mountain View Dental Team or other equally lame business.

Have a great weekend!!! Happy Seis & Siete de Mayo!