Monday, December 26, 2005

Is it Christmas yet?

I can't believe the holidays are almost gone.. with the exception of New Year's... there is not much to look forward to this year. For those of you that I have not talked to in the past few days - who actually read this - err Rita, Joey, yep that's all - I have been sick. Super sick. Since doctors typically don't work on Christmas Eve, my dad and Justin took me to the ER to see what the heck was going on with my joints. We think I had the same thing my mom had a few weeks ago... I really felt like an 80-year-old. Or what I would imagine one would feel like. It hurt to walk, stairs were a killer... Moving the hands, elbows, shoulders.. putting on a shirt made me want to cry. I was lucky enough to get a Doogie Howser, Jr. only not as cute and not as bright. This excuse for a doctor gave me a prescrip. for Vicodin after he had a nurse draw blood testing me for rhemutoid arthritis and lupus. Too bad they can't test me for death.. I felt like I was catching a bit of that.

So needless to say, I am not in Tennessee with my bf, as I was also told I was anemic... Surprise. This requires me to sleep more hours than are in the day... Along with taking iron pills and trying to avoid caffeine. What a holiday. And I miss my brown guy more than ever!

During the next few days, I will sleep a lot, continue to take drugs... and rest up so that when my bf gets back, I have energy to hang with him. Until then.. I'm going to sleep. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! :) I'm gonna snuggle under the down blanket Santa brought me...


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